Participants witnessed the development and choreography of a newly devised dance-theater work, The Decade from Hell...! Programmed as the finale of his residency, Johnnie Cruise Mercer and The IAMI Collective hosted an Open Rehearsal on Sunday, March 12th from 11am-1pm, inviting the community of Sag Harbor to observe parts of their process. The Open Rehearsal explored the blueprints for the material from the work itself, stemming from memories tied to the early 2000s, and a facilitated conversation on nostalgia and history.
The Decade from Hell… was commissioned by Gibney and curated by Eva Yaa Asantewaa as part of the organization’s Gibney Presents series for the 2022-2023 Season. This commission included financial, residency, administrative, and production support. This work is directly supported by The MAP Fund, supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Howard Gilman Foundation, and Mellon Foundation
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