The Church invites you to the return of Still, Small Voice, a monthly gathering for reflection and contemplative sharing.
March 23rd Query: What are you willfully ignorant about?
Still, Small Voice draws its name from the idea of the "still, small voice" within—a quiet, inner voice that guides us in moments of reflection. This monthly gathering, started in 2023 as an artistic experiment, now returns as a community-led practice with rotating facilitators. It invites participants to engage in silent reflection and thoughtful sharing, centered around a question about creativity, community, and being human. We forever ever grateful for Nanao Anton & Erling Hope for their contributions, inspirations, and commitment.
This is a space to hear your and others’ authentic voices & own it in community, free of judgement or reaction, as necessary
This is not group therapy, a study group, a political action group or Quaker Meeting.
Please review our Community Values before attending.
Silent reflection on a query for one hour.
Participants may share aloud their thoughts, then return to silence.
Afterward, there is time for “Afterthoughts”—open and respectful dialogue.
Be gentle with yourself and others.
Welcome latecomers—enter quietly if you’re running late.
Avoid cross talk and refrain from referencing political/religious figures.
Reflect deeply before speaking and listen actively.
Stay for Afterthoughts if you wish to engage in conversation.
· Be gentle with yourself and others
· Welcome latecomers. If you are running late, please enter as calmly and quietly as possible.
· Sit with everything that happens and know that “silence” is an impossibility – you will hear all kinds of sounds.
· Listen openly and avoid interrogating or "cross talking."
· Refrain from referencing specific political /religious figures or parties.
· Share your ideas in generous and expansive ways.
· As you speak, be gentle and respectful of others and their vulnerabilities. We come from a range of belief systems.
· During the silence, the invitation is to hold your own space for reflection and honor that of others.
· Refrain from interrogating the opinions of fellow attendees.
· Give yourself time to absorb what has been said before speaking.
· Ask yourself why you are choosing to speak. In that pause, listen for an answer.
· Reflective space is for contemplation – a space to let things sit and digest.
· Be an active receiver.
· If you wish to explore conversation, please stay for the afterthoughts session.